Caponago Mining Site
Cascina Bertagna (Mi) Located in the municipality of Caponago, near the locality Cascina Bertagna (Mi), Vitali Group’s mining site covers a surface area of approximately 10 hectares. Aggregates are extracted and processed according to the required shapes, using state-of-the- art specialised plants and equipment located at less than 7 metres from the ground level, to minimize the acoustic and visual impact on the surrounding areas. In April 2005, mining operations started in the quarry by uncovering the vegetation layer, which exhibited good agronomic characteristics, and was accumulated around the perimeter of the quarry to optimise environmental recovery. These heaps, adequately re-greened, provide a masking backdrop for the area acting as a dust and noise barrier. Cultivation begins using the traditional pit quarry method, typical for the exploitation of loose materials in lowland areas, by making two drops, the first 8 metres high and the second 5 metres high.
Enviromental recovery
Environmental recovery of the quarry with excavated soil and rocks starts at the same time as mining operations, in compliance with sector regulations (Ministerial Decree 152/2006). The quarry will be completely filled (re-combining) to bring back the area to agricultural use. The excavated soil and rocks are analysed by qualified external laboratories under the supervision of the Control Committee appointed by the Caponago Municipality.
There is no doubt that quarrying plays a fundamental role, as long as it is in harmony with environmental requirements, and this is why Vitali S.p.A. invests significant resources to protect the environment, by contributing to the final recovery of surfaces affected by aggregate cultivation. From our point of view, the future of production goes hand in hand with the implementation of procedures compliant with ISO 14001 standards, an objective soon to be achieved, to demonstrate that a high professional standard regarding the exploitation of natural resources can be compatible with a positive environmental impact.
Demolition materials recovery
Vitali S.p.A. uses specific treatment plants for the complete recovery of demolition waste (CER 170904) transforming waste material into actual raw material. This operation is extremely beneficial from an economic and environmental point of view as it reduces the need to excavate natural raw materials and avoids the disposal of demolished products in authorized landfills. The recovered material is then ready to be reintroduced into the production cycle (SALE) to be used in road fillings and substrates.
Concrete production plants
The new cutting-edge double load-point concrete and cemented mix plant at our Caponago site is able to process all types of mixes and meet all requirements thanks to its fully automated system and high production capacity of over 2000 cubic metres per day.
Our production control and analysis laboratory provides constant monitoring at all stages of production to guarantee high quality output at all times. The lab is equipped for:
  • checking the conformity of our concretes to the technical specifications requested by customers;
  • checking the conformity of the mixture components with the technical specifications;
  • monitoring the entire production process by analysing the results obtained on the samples.
Top Tower 4000
The new asphalt plant installed at the Caponago production site is a cutting-edge Top Tower 4000 Marini with a maximum production capacity of 400 t/h and able to meet all our customers’ needs, paying special attention to the environment. 
Evolution and Ecology are the keywords of the TT 4000, a future plant capable of producing any type of material – hot, lukewarm and semi-warm, with or without recycled material – since these guidelines are the only ones capable of effectively reducing CO2 emissions.
Mining Site Cava Caponago A4 Milano – Venezia Ph. / Fax. +39 02 95749225