Cisano Bergamasco
The head office of the concreteplant, operating since 2002, is located in Cisano Bergamasco at Via Mayer n.5 near the administrative headquarters. 
The plant, very advanced technologically, is fully automated and is able to meet any customer request thanks to its high production capacity of more than 1000 cubic meters per day.
 From this site, on a daily basis, our vehicles and our men are able to act on any kind of scenario and meet all the requirements of public and private clients. In a winning combination with the Caponago plant we are able to reach and supply the entire province of Milan, Lecco and Bergamo.
 As research progresses and innovative new formulations become available, we are now in a position to supply highly durable concrete with certified production process pursuant to Ministerial Decree 14/09/2005.
Vitali S.p.A. uses adequate strategies from the very planning stage, to ensure that durability exceeds the “project life” or at least until the scheduled maintenance operations.
 All aggregates required for concrete packing are EC certified, as well as all the additives and cements, in order to guarantee a premium quality product.
Concrete plant
via Mayer 24034
Cisano Berg.sco (BG)
Ph. +39 800-800957
The plant has received UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 Quality Certification for concrete production. Recently we have certified ourselves in factory production control of concrete produced with industrialized process.
 At the head office there is an operational storage system, authorised by the Province of Bergamo, of waste originating from demolitions as well as the sale of quality aggregate materials such as gravel, crushed stone, sand and screened ballast.