Eco-friendly – photocatalytic asphalt: Vitali’s green heart
Vitali S.p.A., a leading company both in Italy and in Europe in the infrastructure and building industry, has developed in recent years a great know-how in urban roads, focusing especially on eco-friendly asphalt. 

Vitali S.p.A, a company that has always been attentive to innovation and environmental awareness, offers its customers a new type of asphalt production: eco-friendly (or photocatalytic) asphalt.
 This natural asphalt contributes to the reduction of atmospheric organic pollutants from factories, cars, heating, etc. by using a photocatalysis process, which can be compared to plants photosynthesis. 
The process is activated in the presence of air and light, decomposes organic and inorganic pollutants, transforming them into non-hazardous substances.

Atmospheric pollution is becoming an increasingly alarming problem.
Vitali S.p.A. invests a large part of its resources in Research and Development, contributing to the improvement of environmental conditions in order to put a stop to this pollution emergency. 

The use of photocatalytic asphalt has allowed us to turn this important work into reality, by making effective eco-friendly road pavements with advantageous anti-pollution, anti-dirt and anti-bacterial properties, especially in contexts where air pollution is very high.
 These eco-friendly road pavements, made with new materials, are able to “eat up” organic and inorganic air pollutants by applying the photocatalysis process, which consists in the use of solid semiconductors able to oxidise harmful substances until they are fully mineralized.
Our planet is the priority, that’s why we use photocatalytic eco-friendly asphalt
The use of photocatalytic asphalts is a new step forward towards a more environmentally aware future.
The renewal process to safeguard our planet’s environmental status must be a constant effort: every day millions of people, organizations and companies devote time and resources to this cause, each according to his or her own capabilities.

 Vitali S.p.A. is constantly committed to do the same in every area of competence, offering, in the case of production, an eco-friendly asphalt capable of contributing to the reduction of planet pollution.